
Interview Economy History Video Interviews

The Political Economy of Nazism
An Interview With Adam Tooze

by Nicolas Delalande , 28 February 2013

In this interview with Books&Ideas, specialist of German economic history Adam Tooze answers questions on the history of the Third Reich : was there such a thing as a Nazi economic policy ? what were the economic reasons for Hitler’s total war against Europe ? what were the legacies of this experience for the post-1945 German economy ?

Adam Tooze is professor of German History at Yale University. His Wages of Destruction. The Making and the Breaking of the Nazi Economy (Penguin Books, 2006 ; recently translated in French as Le Salaire de la destruction. Formation et ruine de l’économie nazie, tr. by Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2012) is considered to be the most up-to-date and comprehensive reflection on the economic history of the Third Reich.

If you can’t see this video properly, you can watch it on Dailymotion

by Nicolas Delalande, 28 February 2013

To quote this article :

Nicolas Delalande, « The Political Economy of Nazism. An Interview With Adam Tooze », Books and Ideas , 28 February 2013. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

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