
Interview Politics Video Interviews

The Scandinavian Exception: Myths and Realities
An Interview with Yohann Aucante

by Émilie Frenkiel , 2 September 2013
translated by Kate McNaughton
with the support of Florence Gould Foundation

How can we explain the fact that Northern European countries are remaining relatively untouched by the current crisis? Are the Norwegian, Swedish and Danish social democracies homogenous? Yohann Aucante outlines the various factors that created the Scandinavian-style welfare state and industrial democracy, while assessing the influence they have on the rest of Europe.

Yohann Aucante is a lecturer at the EHESS. His research looks into the comparative organisation and government of social welfare systems, in particular in Scandinavia, an area he is an expert on. He also works on the development of social democracy and, more generally, on political party systems. He is currently working on a major socio-historical study of the local government of social protection in Northern Europe, as well as on a textbook about Scandinavian democracies which will soon be published by Armand Colin.
If you can’t see the video on our website, you can access it via Daily Motion dailymotion.

by Émilie Frenkiel, 2 September 2013

To quote this article :

Émilie Frenkiel, « The Scandinavian Exception: Myths and Realities. An Interview with Yohann Aucante », Books and Ideas , 2 September 2013. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :

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