Michal Kozlowski – philosopher, sociologist and journalist. Studied at University of Warsaw, KU LEUVEN and EHESS (PhD in 2004). Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Warsaw. Co-editor of the Polish edition of Le Monde Diplomatique and of quarterly magazine Bez Dogmatu. Books : Le contrepouvoirs de Foucault (Paris 2011), Sprawa Spinozy (Cracow 2011), The Art Factory. The division of labor and distribution of capitals in the Polish field of visual art. (co-author, Warsaw 2013), Znaki równości (Warsaw 2016). Co-editor of the volume Joy Forever : The Political Economy of Social Creativity (London 2014). Published among other in Open Democracy, Il Manifesto Globale, Les Contretemps, Les Possibles, Politics and Culture.