
Authors Translators

Max Rousseau

Max Rousseau holds a doctorate in Political Science from the University of Saint-Étienne, and is a research fellow at CIRAD and a member of the UMR Acteurs, ressources et territoires dans le développement (UMR CNRS 5281 ART Dev). Since 2014, he has been working as an assistant professor at the Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme de Rabat (Maroc). He is particularly interested in the policies of (re) development of marginalized territories, in the North and in the South. He recently co-wrote Gentrifications (with Anaïs Collet, Marie Chabrol, Matthieu Giroud, Lydie Launay and Hovig Ter Minassian; Éditions Amsterdam, 2016) and co-edited Repenser les politiques urbaines (with Maxime Huré, Vincent Béal, Sébastien Gardon and Marie-Clotilde Meillerand; PUCA, 2018).

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