Nicolas Duvoux is a tenured professor of sociology at the University Paris 8, and a member of the CRESPPA within the LabTop team. Since 2019, he has been the director of the Philanthropy and Social Sciences Program, created within the CRESPPA, a program which aims to federate multidisciplinary research in the human and social sciences on philanthropy, in close collaboration with actors in the sector.
He has published, among others, Le Nouvel Age de la solidarité. Pauvreté, précarité et politiques publiques, La République des idées, 2012; L’autonomie des assistés. Sociologie des politiques d’insertion aux PUF (septembre 2009), co-authored La régulation des pauvres with Serge Paugam (PUF, « Quadrige », 2008) and edited with Isabelle Astier La société biographique : une injonction à vivre dignement (L’harmattan, “Logiques sociales”, 2006).
He is editor-in-chief of La Vie des idé since 2007 and the director of the collection of books La vie des idées / Presses Universitaires de France; he is also editor at the Presses Universitaires de France, where he publishes research in sociology and political science.
Since he has first started working on integration policies, Nicolas Duvoux has also been involved in public policy evaluation activities at various levels—namely as a member of the national evaluation committee of the RSA (2009-2011), as a “personalité qualifiée” (eminent personality) of the University College of the Observatoire National de la Pauvreté et de l’Exclusion Sociale (the National Observatory of Poverty and for Combating Social Exclusion, 2014-2020), as the Chairman of the Comité d’évaluation du Fonds d’Appui aux Politiques d’Insertion (Evaluation Committee of the Integration Policies Support Fund). In January 2021, he was appointed chairman of the CNLE scientific committee, an entity attached to the Prime Minister’s services.
His work has been awarded several research prizes. His PhD dissertation was awarded the first research prize of the Caritas France Foundation at the Institut de France (2010). He also received the first senior research prize from the Red Cross Foundation at the Institut de France (2015).
His full biography can be found here; you can also find him on Twitter.